Friday, 2 November 2018

New Broom

Saw this scene driving the back road out of Gibsons, late spring.  Had to pull the car over and take some photos.  The burst of yellow from the broom was amazing, as were the cast shadows on the rock outcropping.

This is a 16x16" acrylic painting on deep canvas.

Don't Fence Me In

I'm so far behind with posting...this is an 8x8" alley scene.  Alley scenes are some of my favourites.  Just happy little scenes that get me in the mood for painting.  SOLD

Swimming Hole

This is the third little 6x6" bicycle painting.  They were a nice change from birds.  SOLD

Surprise Bouquet

The gentleman that bought the first 6x6" bicycle painting, asked for two more.  I was happy to oblige.